House Fire on Bethel Road
By Board of Director Matt Hills Jr.
November 13, 2013

Wednesday morning November 13th just after 0930hrs the company along with Boothwyn (40), Reliance (61), Green Ridge (63), Medic 66-7 (Crozer EMS) and Claymont’s (NCC 13) Rapid Intervention Team (RIT) were dispatched to the 1500 block of Bethel Road in Bethel Township for a building fire.

Engine 40 and Truck 66 arrived on scene with smoke showing. Engine 40 established their own water supply as they arrived. The truck’s crew split between assisting Engine 40’s crew with fire suppression and placing ground ladders. Crews were able to quickly bring the fire under control and operated for one hour under the command of Boothwyn Deputy Chief Rob Powers (40-9A). Thank you to Fireground Photography for use of the photos.

Units: Bethel (66), Medic 66-7 (Crozer EMS) and Bethel Township Police Department
Mutual Aid: Boothwyn (40), Reliance (61), Green Ridge (63) and Claymont (NCC13)