Bethel Township Hose Company No.1 Engine Rescue - Delaware County, PA Station 66

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Department Receives Federal Grant Funding
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August 18, 2023

The department received notification this morning we have been awarded $14,899.04 in grant funding through the Assistance to Firefighters Grant Program. The program is offered through the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) under the Department of Homeland Security. The primary goal of the Assistance to Firefighters Grant is to meet the firefighting and emergency response needs of fire departments and non-affiliated emergency medical service organizations. Since 2001, the program has helped firefighters and other first responders obtain critically needed equipment, protective gear, emergency vehicles, training and other resources necessary for protecting the public and emergency personnel from fire and related hazards.

The grant funding will allow our all-volunteer department to purchase a washer and dryer specifically designed for the cleaning of firefighting gear. The gear washer and dryer will meet National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) 1851 requirements for the selection, care and maintenance of firefighting protective gear to reduce health and safety risks associated with improper maintenance, contamination or damage.

We wish to thank the following for submitting letters of support on behalf of our grant application:

U.S. Senator Robert Casey Jr.
U.S. Congresswoman Mary Gay Scanlon
PA Senator John Kane
PA Representative Craig Williams
Bethel Township Board of Supervisors

Special thanks to John Storm and Greg Bavis with First Responder Grants, LLC for providing tips and reviewing our application. We especially wish to thank Kurt Bradley. Prior to his passing in 2022 Kurt numerous times provided our department and countless others grant information and tips based on his 30 years of experience in public safety and grant-writing.

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Firehouse Solutions

Bethel Township Hose Co. 1
3737 Foulk Road
Garnet Valley, PA 19060

Station: 610-494-4070
Station Voicemail: 610-494-0899
Hall Rental: 610-494-4003
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